

Just had to share this really cute mugshot of my partner in crime for ramblings and meanderings…..Ziggy my black wolf…..and she does really have a pair of velvety black ears hiding back there.


Early evening walk

Early evening walk with the black wolf……..along the green lane, on the left the hills and high places of Ceredigion, on the right the spaces of Carmarthenshire…….bowing willowherb – more fluff than flower now – the last flush of pale fragrant honeysuckle and the first flush of plump blackberries. A magpie moth. Light rain on the oaks. Soft grey clouds billowing like a dandy’s wig and slipping silently across the wide skies. A young fox picking its way across the field, oblivious to us. Golden end-of-day sun through the rowan.

Period Living

I’ve been reading about myself in a glossy magazine! A bit nerve-wracking, but all credit to Rachel Crowe, it’s a lovely write-up, with some great pics…check out the new October edition of Period Living magazine and turn to page 31 to see me as artisan of the month! Me, an artisan! I’ve made it at last! x

featured artisan in Period Living magazine
featured artisan in Period Living magazine

new gallery outlet

If you are anywhere near Stafford, I now have some glass curves and waves in The Shire Hall Gallery, Stafford. It’s in a lovely old building – the old courthouse – in the centre of Stafford, with ever-changing exhibitions as well as a fab shop selling designer crafts.

shire hall gallery stock
shire hall gallery stock

word-birds and twinkles

messing around with webstuff………..I am well-practiced in the art of procrastination

word bird
word bird
across the stream twinkle
across the stream twinkle


a panel flies the nest

This landscape panel wended its way to a new home with a lovely couple this afternoon….going all the way over to Norfolk. It was so new that I hadn’t even had a chance to name it….so I handed over the decision to the new owners. They are regular visitors to Ceredigion and I think it reminded them of the Cambrian mountains.
the un-named panel
the un-named panel

a thought on summer evenings

As the summer solstice approaches, here’s part of the sleeve notes from a book recently bought:
“Every summer there are a number of nights, not many, but a number, when everything is perfect. The light, the warmth, the smells, the mist, the birdsong – the moths. Who can sleep? Who wants to? Most people do, it seems. As for me, I’m on the verge of tears from happiness, and I wander around on the island till dawn and dream and think that summer nights are our most underutilized natural resource”
Frederik Sjoberg…..”The Fly Trap”

summer evenings
summer evenings

Top of the world

waiting for the kiln to cool so what better way to pass the time than a walk to the top of the world – Foel Drygarn – with dogs and smaller daughter on a sunny windy afternoon…..skylarks all around…and the swoosh of wind on the wings of a bird of prey as it swept low over the hilltop…..too fast to see properly what it was

view from Foel Drygarn
view from Foel Drygarn


*****BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY******  (on Facebook)
As promised, this birthday I’m giving one lucky liker a present….this is the first of a series of Shoreline pendants, and not up on the website – or anywhere, in fact – yet!
To be in with a chance of getting your hands on this bit of glass I’m keeping it simple….just like this post. Easy as that.
The giveaway line will remain open until Sunday evening at 8pm. The winner will be drawn at random that evening and the name posted here on the Moriath Glass wall.
So get liking and good luck! xx

giveaway pendant
giveaway pendant

golden evening hilltop

golden evening hilltop….. lamb-skimming swallows…..skylark ascending…..a distant cuckoo….a land of yellow, white and green, of hawthorn and laburnum headiness. Do any other parts of the country have these glorious golden waterfalls draping the hedgerows?

laburnum and moon
laburnum and moon
top of the hill
top of the hill
evening sun and cow parsley
evening sun and cow parsley